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PV Book Club 

How Often Do We Meet?

We meet every 6 weeks on a Tuesday at 7:30pm (30 minutes to catch-up and we begin our discussion at 8pm), rotating host and moderator. It's late enough for everyone to eat dinner with the family and to get the kiddos down to sleep. Host and moderator should be different people each meeting, so the moderator can focus on questions and the host can provide an easy and low-key wine & dessert. This spreads the responsibility and takes the pressure off for the host. Let's keep it simple and hassle-free! We rotate hosts/moderator each book club. We do one summer potluck (still includes book discussion), and one December holiday potluck party (no book).

How Do We Choose Books?

A survey is sent out to the group to choose the following two or three book club books, or we decide during the meeting with those present. The book with the most votes gets chosen. Once we pick our books, an evite is sent out with the details of the book, date, host, and moderator.

How Many People?

Ideally, we keep this book club to a max of 20 people. Realistically, only half of us will be able to attend each meeting due to busy schedules, young children, and coordinating our husbands' busy schedules. That said, 8-10 people is an ideal number for a meaningful discussion.  We collectively decided to max out at 20, otherwise, it becomes too cumbersome to host, and our discussion invariably breaks off into smaller discussions and people are less apt to speak up in a larger group. The 8-10 number is the sweet spot to keep everyone engaged in one group discussion. We certainly don't want to be "exclusive," so if you would like to invite someone to join us, we would love to have them - space permitting. UPDATE: We are currently at max capacity for members.


We have a great balance of working and stay-at-home moms, same & various age children, and there is tremendous shared wisdom. We are lucky!


Moderator facilitates our discussion and the only requirement is to have read the entire book. This role can be as easy & low-key or as involved as you would like it to be. Please provide a few questions or read an interesting passage to start the discussion. You can research group reading discussion notes; many books provide these. When the discussion inevitably digresses, you bring the focus back to the book. You can research reviews, a little about the author, or any interesting facts or background about the book. For parent ed books, it is beneficial to provide a high-level summary to the group so those who did not finish the book can participate in the discussion. We have a tradition of beginning each book club by going around the room and having everyone rate the book 1-10 and why.


Host provides dessert and beverages.


We typically run from 7:30pm-10:30pm. Discussion begins at 8pm.

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